Grade 5 | Science Notes - Cell | Unit-2

grade 5 science notes cell unit 2
Science Sanjal
Grade-Class 5 Science Notes of Cell,Unit 2. Under category 'Science and Environment Education' of Class 5 Science subject Unit:2 - "Cell", Students and teachers can find the notes and solutions of fill in the blanks, true and false statements, choose the best answers, match the followings, give reasons, question answers, diagram - drawing practice and glossary.


1. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box.

nucleus cell wall plant centre
microscope vacuoles chlorophyll cell
a. Cell is the basic unit of life. 
b. Microscope is used to see the cell.
c. The outermost of a plant is called cell wall.
d. Nucleus controls all the activities of the cell.
e. In animal cells, the nucleus is found at the centre of the cell.
f. The chloroplast is only found in plant cell.
g. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in the chloroplast.
h. Vacuoles store water and other minerals fluids in them.

Also Read:

Grade 5 | Science Notes - Animal Life | Unit-1

Grade 5 | Science Notes - Life Cycle of a Butterfly | Unit-3 

Grade 5 | Science Notes - Parts of Flowering Plants | Unit-4

Grade 5 | Science Notes - Life Process | Unit-5
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Effect of Human Activities on Environment | Unit-6
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Environment and its Conservation | Unit-7
Grade 5 | Science Notes - States of Matter | Unit-8
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Energy | Unit-9
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Weather | Unit-10
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Clouds | Unit-11.
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Cell | Unit-2.
Grade 5 | Science Notes - The Universe | Unit-12.

Grade 5 | Science Notes - The Earth | Unit-13.

Grade 5 | Science Notes - Information and Communication | Unit-14.
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Common Local Technology | Unit-15.
Grade 5 | Science Notes - Cleanliness | Unit-16.

2. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements.

a. Cells carry out vital life processes. 'T'
b. Most of the cells are large in nature. 'F'
c. The cytoplasm is only found in animal cell. 'F'
d. Vacuole is large in plant cells. 'T'
e. The cell is the basic unit of life. 'T'
f. The cell wall is found only in plant cells. 'T'
g. An ostrich egg is the biggest cell. 'T'

3. Choose the best alternative.

a. Cells are the basic unit of life. (Basic/Optional)
b. Cell wall is the outer covering in a plant cell. (Cell membrane/Cell wall)
c. Different cell organelles float in cytoplasm. (Cytoplasm/Vacuole)
d. Cytoplasm is the jelly-like fluid present in the cell. (Cytoplasm/Nucleus)
e. Vacuole stores water and mineral substances in them. (Vacuole/Nucleus)
f. Nucleus controls the major activities in the cell. (Cell membrane/Nucleus)

4. Match the following.

Vacuole outer covering of a plant cell
Cell wall jelly-like substance
Chlorophyll thin membrane
Ostrich egg smallest human cell
Human sperm Largest cell of the world
Nucleus green pigment
Cytoplasm empty space
Cell membrane controls the activities of the cell
Vacuoleempty space
Cell wallouter covering of a plant cell
Chlorophyllgreen pigment
Ostrich eggLargest cell of the world
Human spermsmallest human cell
Nucleuscontrols the activities of the cell
Cytoplasmjelly-like substance
Cell membranethin membrane

5. Give reasons.

a. The cell is the basic unit of life.
Answer: The cell basic unit of life because it performs all the vital activities of the body.

b. An animal cell cannot perform photosynthesis.
Answer: An animal cell cannot perform photosynthesis because it does not have a chloroplast that contains chlorophyll.

6. Answer the following questions.

a. What is a cell? Why is it called the basic unit of life?
Answer: Cell is the basic, structural and functional unit of life. Cell is called the basic unit of life because it performs all the vital activities of the body.

b. What is a cell wall? Where is it found?
Answer: The outermost covering of a plant cell is called cell wall. It is found in plant cell.

c. What is the cytoplasm? What are the things found on the cytoplasm?
Answer: Cytoplasm is a thick fluid-like substance which is enclosed inside the cell membrane. The things found on the cytoplasm are Vacuole, Golgi bodies, mitochondrion, Nucleus, Ribosomes, etc.

d. Where is the nucleus found in the cell? Why is it so important?
Answer: The nucleus is found at centre in animal cell and at one side in plant cell. It is so important because it controls all the activities of the cell.

e. Write two differences between plant and animal cells.
Answer: The two differences between plant and animal cells are-
Plant Cell Animal Cell
1. Cell wall is present. 1. Cell wall is absent.
2. Nucleus is found at one side. 2. Nucleus is found at the centre.
3. It has a large Vacuole. 3. It has many small Vacuoles.
4. It consists of chloroplasts. 4. It does not consist of chloroplasts.
5. It is rectangular or square in shape. 5. It is oval or rounded in shape.
Please choose any two from above.

7. Draw labelled diagram of a plant cell and an animal cell.




Organelle - part of a cell. (#organelle meaning in Nepali language is कोषिका का भाग/संरचना जसको विशेष काम हुन्छ.) 
Pigment - colouring substance. (#pigment meaning in Nepali language is रंगद्रव्य, रोगन, वर्णक, पदार्थ.)
Vital - needed for life, important. (#vital meaning in Nepali language is महत्वपूर्ण.)
Enclosed - to close. (#enclosed meaning in Nepali language is बन्द छ, वरिपरि बार लगाएको/घेरिएको.)
Membrane - thin porous sheet. (#membrane meaning in Nepali language is

Extra Important Question Answers of the Unit-2 'Cell'.

1. Why an animal cell cannot make food? 
Answer: An animal cell cannot make food because it does not have chlorophyll in it.

2. Name the largest cell as well as smallest cell in the world.
Answer: The egg of an ostrich is the largest cell in the world and the smallest cell in the world is a bacterial cell.

3. Name the largest cell as well as smallest cell in the human body.
Answer: The ovum is the largest cell in the human body and the smallest cell in the human body is the sperm.

4. Why can't we see a cell with our naked eyes?
Answer: We can't see a cell with our naked eyes because it is a microscopic. (We need a microscope to see/observe it.)
5. What parts of the cell can you see in the egg cell?
Answer: The parts of the cell we can see in the egg cell are golgi bodies, mitochondrion, nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosome, vacuoles, etc.

6. What happen if an animal cell consists of the chloroplast?
Answer: An animal can make it's own food and would not depend on others (i.e. vegetables, fruits, crops, meats, etc) if it consists of the chloroplast.

#From above grade class-5 science notes of "Cell" Unit-2, we hope students can define cells and cellular organelles. They can explain the different parts of a cell. Also they can differentiate plant cells and animal cells.

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Science Sanjal
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