Grade 5 | Science Notes - Animal Life | Unit-1

grade 5 science notes of animal life unit-1
Science Sanjal
Grade/Class 5-Science Notes of Animal Life, Unit-1. Under category 'Science and Environment Education' of Class 5 Science subject Unit:1 - "Animal Life", Students and teachers can find the notes and solutions of fill in the blanks, true and false statements, match the followings, definitions, reasons, question answers, jumbled letters and glossary.

Grade 5 Science Notes - Animal Life Unit 1.


1. Fill in the blanks.

a. Animals that do not have a backbone are called invertebrates.
b. Animals that have a backbone are called vertebrates.
c. Invertebrates are divided into 9 Phyla.
d. Animals of phylum protozoa have a single cell.
e. Animals of phylum coelenterate have a hollow pipe body.
f. Animals of phylum arthropoda have jointed legs.
g. Animals of class reptilia crawl on land.
h. Mammals have mammary glands in their body.

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2. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements.

a. Invertebrates have a backbone in them. 'F'
b. All invertebrates have a single cell. 'F'
c. Sponges have holes in their body. 'T'
d. Platyhelminthes have a round cylindrical body. 'F'
e. An earthworm is an example of phylum annelida. 'T'
f. An arthropoda is the smallest phylum of invertebrates. 'F'
g. An amphibian needs both land and water to live. 'F'
h. Aves have a light body to fly easily. 'T'

3. Choose the best alternatives.

a. A snake has backbone.
i. snake
ii. snail
iii. starfish

b. An earthworm is an invertebrate.
i. eagle
ii. elephant
iii. earthworm
c. A/An amoeba is a unicellular animal.
i. amoeba
ii. tapeworm
iii. butterfly
d. An ascaris is a parasite.
i. ant
iii. ascaris
e. A snail has a soft body.
i. snail
ii. bee
iii. cow
f. A snake is a/an reptile.
i. reptile
ii. amphibian
iii. mammal


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4. Match the following. 



Platyhelminthes Hollow Cavity
Arthropoda Gills
Hydra Starfish
Fish Housefly
Mammals Give birth to young ones
Echinodermata Tapeworms



HydraHollow cavity
MammalsGive birth to young ones

5. Define the following.

a. Invertebrates: Those animals which are simple and without a backbone in their body are called invertebrates. Invertebrates can be unicellular or multicellular. Invertebrates are divided into nine sub-group/phylum. Nine phylum of vertebrates are 1. Protozoa, 2. Porifera, 3. Coelenterata, 4. Platyhelminthes, 5. Nemathelminthes, 6. Annelida, 7. Arthropoda, 8. Mollusca and 9. Echinodermata.
#What are invertebrates? Write at least 3 examples?

b. Vertebrates: Those highers animals which have a backbone in their body are called vertebrates. Vertebrates are multicellular animals. Their body are divided into the head, trunk and limbs. Vertebrates can be warm blooded and cold blooded. Vertebrates are divided into five class. Five classes of vertebrates are 1. Pisces, 2. Amphibia, 3. Reptilia, 4. Aves and 5. Mammalia.
#What are vertebrates? Write at least 3 examples?

c. Parasites: Those animals which depend on other animals' blood or digested food for their livings are called parasites. Parasites have a flat body and a complete digestive system. Parasites comes under the sub-group/phylum 'Platyhelminthes'. The three examples of parasites are Tapeworm, Liver fluke and Planaria. Tapeworm is the parasite in a human body and a pig. Liver fluke is found in the liver of cattle.
#What are parasites?

d. Mammals: Those animals which have mammary glands (milk providing organs) in their body are called mammals. All mammals come under the class mammalia. Mammals body are divided into the head, neck and trunk. Mammals give direct birth to their young ones. Mammals suckle their milk to their young ones. Mammals are warm blooded animals and most developed among the vertebrates. Some examples of mammals are human beings, dogs, rats, cows, bats, dolphins, etc.
#What do you mean by mammals?

6. Give reasons.

a. Sponge lies in phylum porifera.
Answer: Sponges lies in phylum porifera because they have pores in their body.

b. Fishes have a stream lined body covered with scales.
Answer: Fishes have streamlined body covered with scales because it helps fish to swim easily and scales helps to prevent water enter into the body

c. A lizard is a reptile.
Answer: A lizard is a reptile because it crawls on wall/ground.

d. Birds have light and fluffy feathers and wings.
Answer: Birds have light and fluffy feathers and wings because it helps them to fly easily and keep warm.

e. Mammals have mammary glands on them.
Answer: Mammals have mammary glands on them to feed milk to their young ones.

f. A bat is a mammal.
Answer: A bat is a mammal because it gives direct birth to it's babies and suckle it's milk.

g. Amoeba is an unicellular organism.
Answer: Amoeba is an unicellular organism because it is made of single cell.

7. Answer the following questions.

a. Write down any two characters and two animals of each phylum of invertebrates.
Answer: The two characters and two animals of each phylum of invertebrates are given below:
S.N. Phylum Characters Two animals
1. Protozoa 1. They are unicellular and microscopic animal.
2. They are mostly found in wet soil, water and in animals body.
Amoeba, Paramecium
2. Porifera 1. They have small holes/pores in their bodies.
2. They live in sea water.
Sycon, Euspongia
3. Coelenterata 1. They have hollow pipe like body.
2. Their mouth is surrounded by tentacles.
Hydra, Jelly fish
4. Platyhelminthes 1. They are also called flat worms.
2. Most of them are parasites.
Tape worm, Liver fluke
5. Nemathelminthes 1. They have an unsegmented body.
2. They have long, round and cylindrical body.
Hookworm, Ascaries
6. Annelida 1. They have a moist body surface.
2. They can not live in dry places.
Earthworm, Leech
7. Arthropoda 1. They have jointed legs.
2. Their body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
Spider, Butterfly
8. Mollusca 1. They have a soft muscular and moist body.
2. Their body is covered with a hard shell.
Snail, Octopus
9. Echinodermata 1. Their body is covered by hard spines.
2. They moved with the help of tube shaped feet.
Starfish, Sea cucumber.

b. Write down any two characters and two animals of each class of vertebrates.
Answer: The two characters and two animals of each class of vertebrates are given below:
S.N. Phylum Characters Two animals
1. Pisces 1. Their body is covered with scales.
2. They breathe through gills.
Shark, Sea Horse
2. Amphibia 1. They have moist skin.
2. They can breathe through moist skin in water and through lungs on land.
Frog, Salamander
3. Reptilia 1. They crawl on ground.
2. They have rough skin or horny scales.
Snake, Crocodile
4. Aves 1. They have a toothless beak.
2. They lay eggs with hard shells.
Hen, Pigeon
5. Mammalia 1. They suckle their milk to their babies.
2. They give direct birth.
Bat, Cow

c. What are mammals? Write down the three examples.
Answer: Those animals which have mammary glands (milk providing organs) and give direct birth to their babies are called mammals. The three examples of mammals are 1. Human being, 2. Dog, 3. Bat.

d. Write two important features of each of the followings.
Shark Hydra Earthworm Frog Tortoise
Answer: The two important features of Shark, Hydra, Earthworm, Frog, Tortoise are given below:
S.N. Name Two Features
1. Shark 1. The body of Shark is covered by scales.
2. Shark breathe through gills.
2. Hydra 1. Hydra has hollow pipe like body.
2. Hydra moves with the help of tentacles.
3. Earthworm 1. Earthworm has moist body surface.
2. Earthworm is found in soil.
4. Frog 1. Frog can live both on land and in water.
2. Frog breathe through lungs on land and moist skin in water.
5. Tortoise 1. Tortoise crawl on ground.
2. Tortoise is a cold blooded animal.

8. Make meaning ful words from the jumbled letters.


Extra Questions and Answers:

9. What do you mean by cold blooded animals? Write some examples.
Answer: Those animals which can change their body temperature according to it's surrounding are called cold blooded animals. Some examples are - shark, frogs, snakes, etc.

10. What do you mean by warm blooded animals? Write some examples.
Answer: Those animals which can change their body temperature according to it's surrounding are called warm blooded animals. Some examples are - crow, cow, dog, etc.

11. What do you mean by unicellular organisms? Write some examples.
Answer: Those organisms having only one cell/single cell in their body are called unicellular organisms. Some examples of unicellular organisms are - Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, etc.

12. What do you mean by multicellular organisms? Write some examples.
Answer: Those organisms having many cells in their body are called multicellular organisms. Some examples of multicellular organisms are - Sycon, Spider, Butterfly, etc.

13. Define amphibians with any three examples.
Answer: Those animals which live both on land and in water are called amphibians. The three examples of amphibians are - frog, salamander and toad.

14. Differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates.
Answer: The differences between vertebrates and invertebrates are as follows:
Vertebrates Invertebrates
1. They have backbone in their body. 1. They do not have backbone in their body.
2. For examples - human, dog, snake, bat, etc. 2. For examples - amoeba, leech, hydra, etc.
3. They are divided into five classes. 3. They are divided into nine phylum.
4. They do not possess exoskeleton. 4. They possess an exoskeleton.
5. They have highly complex nervous system. 5. They have simple nervous system.
6. 5% of animals species are vertebrates. 6. 95% of animal species are invertebrates.


Paralyze - make unable to move. (#paralyze meaning in Nepali language is पक्षाघात, चल्न नसक्ने पार्नु.)
Slender - slim. (#slender meaning in Nepali language is पातलो.)
Projection - something coming out. (#projection meaning in Nepali language is बाहिर निस्कन खोजेको, प्रक्षेपण, अनुमान.)
Unsegmented - not segmented. (#unsegmented meaning in Nepali language is खण्ड खण्ड नभएको, विभाजित नभएको.)
Terrestrial - found in land. (#terrestrial meaning in Nepali language is स्थलीय, जमिनमा पाइने.)
Microscopic - very small. (#microscopic meaning in Nepali language is सूक्ष्म.)
Unicellular - Having single cell. (#unicellular meaning in Nepali language is एक कोषधारी.)
Multicellular - Having multiple cells. (#multicellular meaning in Nepali language is बहु कोषधारी.)
Aspects - a particular part or feature o
f something. (#aspects meaning in Nepali language is पक्षहरू.)
Backbone - the series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine. (#backbone meaning in Nepali language is मेरुदण्ड.)
Hollow - having a hole or empty space inside.. (#hollow meaning in Nepali language is खोक्रो.)
Parasite - an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense. (#parasite meaning in Nepali language is परजीवी.)
Thorax - the part of the body of a mammal between the neck and the abdomen. (#thorax meaning in Nepali language is वक्ष, छाती.)
Abdomen - the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly. (#abdomen meaning in Nepali language is
Exoskeleton - the hard outer covering. (#exoskeleton meaning in Nepali language is कडा आवरण, कडा कवच.)
Moist - slightly wet. (#moist meaning in Nepali language is ओसिलो, मुलायम.)
Limbs - an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing. (#limbs meaning in Nepali language is अंग, हातखुट्टा.)
Mammals - breast feeding animals. (#mammals meaning in Nepali language is स्तनधारी, स्तनपायी प्राणी, स्तनपायी.)
Warm blooded animals- relating to or denoting animals (chiefly mammals and birds) which maintain a constant body temperature. (#warm blooded meaning in Nepali language is वातावरण को तापक्रम संगै परिवर्तन नहुने तापक्रम भएको जीव - वातावरण तातो अथवा चिसो भए पनि जीव को तापक्रम एकैनासको हुने, तापक्रमलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न सक्ने क्षमता भएको।.)
Cold blooded animals - A cold-blooded animal has a body temperature that varies along with the outdoor temperature. (#cold blooded meaning in Nepali language is वातावरण को तापक्रम संगै परिवर्तन हुने तापक्रम भएको जीव - वातावरण तातो भए जीव को तापक्रम तातो हुने र वातावरण चिसो भए जीवको तापक्रम चिसो हुने।.)
Caudal - of, at, or near the tail or the posterior end of the body. (#caudal meaning in Nepali language is पुच्छर नजिकको भाग, पिठिउ निरको भाग, पछाडीको भाग.)

#From above grade class-5 science notes of "Animal Life" Unit-1, we hope students can define invertebrates and vertebrates. They can classify invertebrates into nine phyla. Also they can classify vertebrates into five classes.

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